Learn GuideConnect: Filling out an Online Form

Filling out forms is a straightforward process once you know the basic principles. For more help and support, visit https://yourdolphin.com/support


Filling out forms is a straightforward process once you know the basic principles.


When you open the page that contains the form, use the up and down arrow keys to review the content of the page.


If you want to move directly to the form itself, you can press the letter E on the keyboard to move straight to first form field.


When you land on a form field that you want to type into, you need to enter Interactive Mode. To do this, simply press the ENTER key on the keyboard.


You are now ready to type.


“When you are ready to move to the next form field, simply press the TAB key. “


“Continue to fill out your form, pressing the TAB key after each form field.”


“When you have finished filling out the form, simply press TAB to move to the Send or Submit button which will appear after the final form field.


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