Learn SuperNova: Explore with the Dolphin Cursor

A short tutorial showing you how to explore the internet with the Dolphin Cursor in SuperNova. For more help and support, visit https://yourdolphin.com/support


SuperNova: Learn Dolphin Supernova. Explore with the Dolphin Cursor, for Supernova Screen Reader, and Supernova Access Suite.

Sarah: The Dolphin Cursor is a special cursor available with SuperNova. It allows you to move through the screen in a logical order, using the keyboard. The Dolphin Cursor can even move to areas of the screen normally inaccessible when using the keyboard.

One place where the Dolphin Cursor is extremely useful is in navigating webpages. 

The Dolphin Cursor moves through the screen in a similar way to a word document, grouping navigation points into lines. SuperNova will switch on the Dolphin Cursor as required. 

You can toggle the Dolphin Cursor on or off with number pad minus.

With the Dolphin Cursor, you can use the up and down arrow keys, to move up and down these lines.

SuperNova: Windows Internet Explorer, Dolphin Cursor on logo with link to home page. Link English, link US, link Svenska, link Norsk. Text 0845 130 53 53.

Sarah: And the left and right arrow keys to move across these lines.

SuperNova: 0, 8, 4, 5, space.

Sarah: You can also press home to move the Dolphin Cursor to the start of a line. 

SuperNova: Start of line 0. 

Sarah: And press End, to move the Dolphin Cursor to the end of the line.

SuperNova: End of line ????

Sarah: To move the Dolphin Cursor to the start of the page, simply press Left Control and Home.

SuperNova: Skip to main content link. 

Sarah: And to move the Dolphin Cursor to the end of the page, simply press Left Control and End.

SuperNova: Text, all rights reserved, all copyrights and trademarks acknowledged.

SuperNova: Dolphin SuperNova, for every visual impairment. 
